施工金属木头撞击玻璃粉碎音效素材 SoundBits Just Impacts Simple,简单的,大量简单的冲击音。金属撞击、木材撞击、玻璃破碎、垃圾碰撞,360个文件中有618个声音。这是一个必须具备的建设工具包,每当它涉及到电影或游戏场景中的东西击中其他东西。想想车祸、机器人大战、科幻战争或任何其他需要正确音效的影响。
Just Impacts – Simple a huge collection of plain impact sounds. Metal hits, wood impacts, glass smashes, junk crashes, 618 Sounds in 360 files. This is a must have construction kit whenever it comes to a movie or game scene where something hits something else. Think of car crashes, robot fights, sci fi battles or any other kind of impact that needs the right sound effect.